斯里兰卡发生爆炸或与此前新西兰清真寺枪击案有关 死亡人数已上升至321人
发布时间:2019-07-22 10:24:02作者:心经结缘网
据媒体最新报道,斯里兰卡恐怖袭击死亡人数已上升至321人。斯里兰卡国防部部长表示,此次爆炸案是针对上个月在新西兰发生的清真寺爆炸案的反击。 The death toll from the Easter Sunday attacks has risen to 321, according to Sri Lanka’s defence minister. He also said that the suicide bombings were a response to last month’s terror attack on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. 斯里兰卡政府收到的情报显示,参与此次恐怖袭击行动的一名成员在新西兰清真寺枪击案后就开始在其社交媒体账号上发布“极端内容”。此前新西兰枪击案共有50人丧生。 An intelligence memo circulated to some in government in the weeks before the attack noted that one member of the terrorist group identified as having perpetrated the bombings had started to update his social media accounts “with extremist content” in the aftermath of the shootings by a rightwing-extremist in New Zealand who killed 50 people. 但也有专家表示,此次连环爆炸案至少需要几个月时间准备,包括测试炸弹等。 But terrorism researchers have said the sophisticated nature of the attack and the equipment used would likely have required months of preparation, including conditioning the suicide bombers and testing the explosives. 最新热文推荐: 2019,考试分手!——留学考试备考规划 2018-2019最新世界大学排名一览 去美国读研究生需要多久 一份超完整的英国留学签证申请材料大全 5名中国留学生因托福替考在美被捕 (责任编辑:Hui)