

发布时间:2019-07-22 11:08:26作者:心经结缘网




秉持 无缘大慈、同体大悲 精神,1966年证严上人于台湾花莲创立 佛教克难慈济功德会 ;上人一生奉行 自力更生、不受供养 ,初期与五位弟子,以缝制婴儿鞋、从事农作等开展慈善工作,并启发三十位家庭主妇每天从买菜钱里省下五角钱投入竹筒,作为帮助孤老贫病者的救助金。四十多年来,慈济在51个国家地区有慈济人,援助过的国家地区达90个。

All people are capable of the same great compassion as the Buddha; and that compassion leads us to reach out and relieve others' suffering with concrete actions Dharma Master Cheng Yen's guiding principle in 1966, upon establishing the Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Association in Hualien, Taiwan.

Dharma Master Cheng Yen and her first five monastic disciples supported themselves and their charity work frugally for example, making and selling one more pair of baby shoes every day. Her teachings inspired 30 housewives to put one NT 50-cent coin (worth about US 1 cent) into their personal bamboo banks every day before grocery shopping . These humble donations became charity funds that directly helped local poor, elderly and sick individuals. Tzu Chi has since grown into an international movement with branches and offices in 51 countries/regions.

慈济人以 人伤我痛、人苦我悲 的人文情怀,超越种族、国家、语言、肤色、宗教信仰的界限。以 慈、悲、喜、舍 的感恩心付出,以 诚、正、信、实 的大爱行动肤慰苦难,希冀达到人心净化、社会祥和、天下无灾无难的理想境界。

Tzu Chi volunteers care for all people regardless of race, nationality, language, color or religion. They share the philosophy: When others are hurt, we feel their pain; when others suffer, we feel their sorrow. They selflessly provide direct support to anyone in need; are inspired by compassion, joy, and equanimity; and offer comfort with sincerity, integrity and honesty. They strive to create a more caring, inclusive world.



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