一、其实,在我们的生活里,会遇到很多的挫折和困难,有人能克服它,有人却一蹶不振,这是什么原因,就是人的心态问题。如果你连克服困难的勇气都没有,怎能向前。In fact, in our life, we will encounter a lot of setbacks and difficulties. Some people can overcome them, while others are stagnant. What is the reason for this is the problem of people's mentality. If you don't have the courage to overcome difficulties, how can you move forward?
二、你生活在别人的眼神里,就迷失在自己的心路上。坚持做你自己,而不是被别人修改的面目全非。透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑。如果有人可以依靠,谁会愿意独立。If you live in the eyes of others, you will be lost in your own heart. Stick to being yourself instead of being modified by others. If we overdraw our tears, we will laugh heartlessly. If someone can depend on it, who will be willing to be independent?
三、别难过,世间都是这样的,不管走到哪里,总有令人失望的事情,一旦碰到,我们就很容易过度悲观,把事情看得太严重。放心,闭上眼,睡一觉,说不定明天就会有新鲜的事儿发生。Don't be sad, the world is like this. No matter where we go, there are always disappointing things. Once we meet them, we can easily be overly pessimistic and take things too seriously. Rest assured, close your eyes, sleep, maybe something new will happen tomorrow.
四、活得糊涂的,容易幸福;活得清醒的,容易烦恼。这是因为,清醒的人看得太真切,一较真,生活中便烦恼遍地;而糊涂的人,计较得少,虽然活得简单粗糙,却因此觅得了人生的大滋味。Live confused, easy to be happy; Live sober, easy to worry. This is because sober people look too real, a more real, life will be troubled everywhere; while confused people, care less, although living a simple rough, but therefore find a great taste of life.
五、其实外面的世界真的很美,会有像初恋一样甜蜜的爱情,会有比前任更爱你的人。原谅,不过是将遗憾悄悄掩埋;忘记,才是最深刻彻底的宽容。In fact, the outside world is really beautiful, there will be as sweet love as first love, there will be people who love you more than their predecessors. Forgiveness is just burying regrets quietly; forgetting is the deepest and thorough tolerance.
六、我想我开始懂得,让现实的回归现实,故事的回归故事。一些人的遗憾,应该演变成另一些人的幸福。你年纪轻轻,心地善良,怕什么没人爱。别担心,你终会遇见这样的一个人,好的总是压箱底,所有的不期而遇,只为遇见你。I think I'm beginning to understand, let the reality return to reality, the story return to the story. Some people's regrets should evolve into the happiness of others. You are young, kind-hearted, afraid that no one loves you. Don't worry, you will eventually meet such a person, good always press the bottom of the box, all unexpected encounters, just to meet you.
七、爱一个人不要爱十分,八分已足够,剩下的两分爱自己。太爱一个人,你会太在乎他跟谁一起,心里是否有你;太爱一个人,会被他牵着鼻子走,完全不能自己。Love a person not very much, eight points is enough, the remaining two love themselves. If you love a person too much, you will care too much about who he is with and whether you are in your heart; if you love a person too much, you will be led by his nose and totally unable to be yourself.
八、当我情绪处于低谷的时候,你也总能想尽办法让我高兴起来,逗我开心逗我笑。我看你的眼神总是充满了崇拜,你是我心目中无所不能的英雄。When I'm in a low mood, you can always do everything you can to make me happy, make me happy and make me laugh. I see that your eyes are always full of worship, you are the omnipotent hero in my mind.
九、为一个人动了心,却不能随他去海角天涯,一梦醒来,世事成蹉跎。总是在凌晨两点,想念着曾失去的他,如果当初我们都不那么倔强,会不会有另一个结局?有一个人一直刻在心上,不管时间如何流逝,依旧无法抹去他的印记。Moved by a person, but could not follow him to the ends of the sea, wake up from a dream, things go wrong. Always at 2:00 in the morning, missing the lost him, if we were not so stubborn at the beginning, will there be another outcome? There is a person who has been engraved in his heart, no matter how time passes, still can not erase his mark.
十、送你一枚快乐,印在你心上;送你一束平安,插在你身上;送你一片好运,寄在你腰上;送你一打富贵,附在你头上;送你一生幸福,把你捧得高高在上。Give you a happiness, printed in your heart; give you a bunch of peace, inserted in your body; give you a piece of good luck, placed on your waist; give you a dozen riches, attached to your head; give you a lifetime of happiness, hold you high.
十一、不是每一步都会成功,不是每一次都是惊艳。谁都不是钻石,怎么可能在每一面都闪闪发光。如今我终于明白,我渡得过万里狂风,渡得过千条性命,渡得过诗酒年华,却渡不过,你不顾而去的目光。Not every step will be successful, not every time is amazing. Nobody is a diamond. How can it shine on every side? Now I finally understand that I can survive the gale of thousands of miles, thousands of lives, and years of poetry and wine, but I can't survive, but you don't hesitate to look.
十二、 要永远坚信这一点:一切都会变的,无论受多大创伤心情多么沉重,一贫如洗也好,都要坚持住。太阳落了还会升起,不幸的日子总会有尽头,过去是这样,将来也是这样。
Always believe in this: everything will change, no matter how traumatized you are, no matter how poor you are, you must stick to it. When the sun goes down, it will rise. There will always be an end to unfortunate days. This was the case in the past and will be the case in the future.
十三、一片叶,落在哪里都是归宿,一朵花,开在哪里都是芳香,一个人,走到哪里都是生命。随缘便自在,心安即是家。Where a leaf falls is the destination, where a flower blossoms is the fragrance, where a person goes is life. Feel at ease, peace of mind is home.
十四、爱,无需朝朝暮暮, 只要一份相知相惜, 就能抵达到美丽的永远; 爱,无需海誓山盟, 只要甜美神奇的默契, 就能依偎心底里的柔软, 或喜或悲,或苦或甜, 能够遇到就是无憾! 亲爱的,今生有你, 相隔天涯也温暖。
Love, without the twilight and twilight, as long as a mutual understanding, can arrive at the beautiful forever; love, without vows, as long as the sweet and magical tacit understanding, can nestle in the heart of the soft, or happy or sad, or bitter or sweet, can meet is without regret! Dear, you are here in this life, and the world is warm.
Look at people, don't look with your eyes, it's easy to see with your eyes, not to listen with your ears, because it may be a lie. As long as you spend time and feel it with your heart, you can't really fake it, nor can you really fake it.
十六、慢慢冷落你的人,说明有人可能代替你了;话都不想和你说的人,说明这个人心里压根就没你了。所以疏远你的人就让他疏远吧,别去问为什么,因为你听到的全是借口 。Slowly snubbing your people, that someone may replace you; words do not want to talk to you, that the person's heart is completely without you. So alienate the person who alienates you, don't ask why, because all you hear is excuses.
十七、 你一定要相信,在世界的一角,在不远的将来,有个值得等待的人,不屈服荆棘,不堕于繁华横跃森林沼泽,横渡长江万里,他会来找你。终归会有这样一个人出现,两厢倾慕,陪你颠沛流离,温暖地相互扶持一辈子。You must believe that in the corner of the world, in the near future, there will be a person who is worth waiting for, who will not yield to the thorns, will not fall into the bustling forest swamp, and will cross the Yangtze River for thousands of miles, and will come to you. Eventually there will be such a person, two sides admire, accompany you wandering, warm mutual support for a lifetime.
十八、世间最好的默契,并非有人懂你的言外之意,而是有人懂你的欲言又止。把你的借口减少一半,把围绕目标的行动增加一倍。付出就会有收获,或大或小,或迟或早,始终不会辜负你的努力!The best tacit understanding in the world is not that someone understands what you mean, but that someone understands what you want to say and stops. Halve your excuses and double your actions around your goals. Pay will be harvested, big or small, or sooner or later, will never fail your efforts!
十九、当人生遇到坎坷,历经磨难时,我们应该不断为自己鼓掌,鼓劲、鼓励。不为困苦所屈服,不为艰险而低头,不为磨难所吓倒。生活的理想是为了理想的生活,只有为自己鼓掌,人生之路会越走越宽广,人生之路会越走越坦荡。When life encounters difficulties and sufferings, we should constantly applaud, encourage and encourage ourselves. Do not yield to hardship, bow to hardship, or be frightened by hardship. The ideal of life is to live an ideal life. Only by applauding for oneself, the road of life will be wider and wider, and the road of life will be more open.
The more you experience, the more you understand a truth. Just be yourself while you're alive. Don't care so much. Being comfortable is more important than anything else. Who comes into your life is determined by fate; who stays in your life is determined by yourself.