

发布时间:2019-09-25 09:07:03作者:心经结缘网
中国的旅游景点中,很大一部分都与佛教相关,新东方英语频道为大家提供佛教用语的中英文对照,希望能对广大导游朋友们提供帮助。 S
saffron water 黄丹水
Saha World 娑婆世界 *
Samaya precept 三昧耶戒
Samghati 僧伽黎 *
Many-pieced robe 杂碎衣 *
host's robe 祖衣 *
great robe 大衣 *
Kashaya 袈裟 *cassock['k?s?k] 法衣, 袈裟, 衲
mute-colored cloth 坏色衣 *
clothing for getting out of dust 离尘服 *
Sangha-arama 伽蓝 *
the Sangha and the laity 僧俗 *
Sangha's dwellings 僧坊 *
Santideva Bodhisattva 寂天菩萨
the Sea-vast Avatamsaka Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 莲池海会佛菩萨 *
schisms 不和合
Secret School 密宗 *
sectarianism 宗派 *
seize upon conditions 攀缘 *
self-mastery 自在 *
senior-seated one 上座 *
sense objects 尘 *
sentient beings 有情 *
serve in the kitchen 行堂
seven Bodhi shares 七菩提分 *
sever afflictions 断烦恼 *
shamatha 奢摩他 *
share-section birth and death 分段生死 *
(many) sharira 舍利 *
sharira-stupa 舍利塔 *
Shila 尸罗 *
Shurangama Samadhi 楞严定 *
simplicity and frugality 简朴 *
single-mindedness 一心 *
Six Paramitas / Six Perfections 六度 *
Six Spiritual Penetrations 六神通 *
Skandha-demon 阴魔 *
snow saussurea 雪莲
Snowy Mountains 雪山
Solitary Enlightened One 独觉 *
Sound-Hearer 声闻 *
South Potalaka Monastery 南普陀寺
speak the Dharma 说法 *
spontaneous 自然 *
Sramanera Precepts 沙弥戒
stern and pure in the Vinaya 严净毗尼 *
still quiescence 寂灭 *
stinking skin-bag 臭皮囊 *
stoppings and contemplations 止观 (shamatha and vipashyana) *
sublime abode 精舍 *
summer retreat 结夏安居
In Buddhism, there is a rule that those who have left the home-life must pass the summer in retreat. This rule came about because for 90 days, from the 15th of the fourth lunar month to the 15th of the seventh lunar month, the members of the Sangha lived in one place and didn't go anywhere.
a suona horn 唢呐
Superior Seated One 上座 *
supra-mundane-mind, renunciation 出离心
the Sutra of Contemplating Measureless Life Buddha 《观无量寿经》*
the Sutra in Forty-two Sections 《四十二章经》*
the Sutra of Manjushri's Questions on Prajna 《文殊问般若经》*
the Sutra of Medicine Buddha 《药师经》*
the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva 《地藏菩萨本愿经》*
the Sutra of the Tathagata's Lion's Roar 《如来狮子吼经》*
Sutra Division 经部 (实习编辑:宋天敏)



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