十八罗汉指佛教传说 中十八位永住世间、护持正法的阿罗汉 ,由十六罗汉加二尊者而来。他们都是历史人物,均为释迦牟尼的弟子。十六罗汉主要流行于唐代,至 唐末,开始出现十八罗汉;到宋代时,则盛行十八罗汉了。十八罗汉的出现,可能与中国文化 中对十八的传统偏好有关。释迦牟尼佛为使佛法在佛灭度后能流传后世,使众生有听闻佛法的机缘,嘱咐十六罗汉永住世间,分局各地弘扬佛法,利益众生。
Eighteen arhats refer to the 18 arhats who live in the world forever and protect the right dharma in Buddhist legends. they come from sixteen arhats plus two venerable ones. They are all historical figures and disciples of Sakyamuni. The sixteen arhats were mainly popular in the Tang Dynasty, and by the end of the Tang Dynasty, eighteen arhats began to appear. By the time of the Song Dynasty, eighteen arhats were in vogue. The appearance of the Eighteen Arhats may be related to the traditional preference for the Eighteen in Chinese culture. Shakyamuni Buddha ordered 16 arhats to live forever in the world and carry forward Buddhism in all parts of the branch to benefit all living beings in order to make Buddhism spread to later generations after the Buddha's death.
十八罗汉名称,1.宾度罗跋罗堕阁尊者—坐鹿罗汉 2.迦诺迦代蹉尊者—欢喜罗汉 3.诺迦跋哩陀尊者—举钵罗汉 4.苏频陀尊者—托塔罗汉 5.诺距罗尊者—静坐罗汉 6.跋陀罗尊者—过江罗汉 7.迦理迦尊者—骑象罗汉 8.伐阇罗弗多罗尊者—笑狮罗汉是 9.戍博迦尊者—开心罗汉 10.半托迦尊者—探手罗汉 11.罗怙罗尊者—沉思罗汉 12.那迦犀那尊者—挖耳罗汉 13.因揭陀尊者—布袋罗汉 14.伐那婆斯尊者—芭蕉罗汉 15.阿氏多尊者—长眉罗汉 16.注茶半托迦尊者—看门罗汉 17.迦叶尊者—降龙罗汉 18.弥勒尊者—伏虎罗汉。
The name of the Eighteen Arhats, 1. Pendulum LuoDuoGe honour person-sitting deer arhat 2. Garooga generation Jian honour person-joy arhat 3. Garooga colo li tuo honour person-raising bowl arhat 4. Suvinda honour person-totarhat 5. Garooga honour person-sitting arhat 6. bhadra honour person-river crossing arhat 7. Gariga honour person-riding elephant arhat 8. Vacherovdoro honour person-Vajraputra is 9. Garrooga honour person-happy arhat 10. Half totarhat honour person-visiting hand arhat 11. Luo Yun Luo honour person The Buddha-meditation arhat 12. The Buddha-digging ear arhat 13. The Buddha-cloth bag arhat 14. The Buddha-banana arhat 15. The Buddha-long eyebrow arhat 16. The Buddha-keeper arhat 17. The Buddha-dragon arhat 18. The Buddha-tiger arhat 18. Maitreya arhat.
十八罗汉长3米46厘米,宽28厘米 图誉乃清代画家杨文涛所作。杨氏性聪异,凡天地百家之学咸能深造,书画诗文口外遂下止,弹琴剑、攀丝弦无一不精,如此图,笔法细致端庄,色泽古雅,状貌姿态不一,神若自然笑谈风声,可谓生动而逼真,确为无上妙品。
The figure of eighteen arhats is the work of Qing Dynasty painter Yang Wentao. Young's character is sharp and varied. He can study in a hundred schools of study in the world. His calligraphy, painting, poetry and prose all stop outside his mouth. He plays the piano, plays the sword, and climbs the strings. He has such fine and elegant brushwork, elegant color and luster, and various shapes and postures. If God naturally talks about the wind, it can be said that he is vivid and lifelike, and it is indeed an excellent product.